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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureCathy - Top Dog

A new, better way to live …..

What a bizarre experience for us all the last few weeks have been.

It feels like such a long time since the word 'lockdown' was first mentioned, disbelief followed where we still made plans and attempted to carry on as normal.

But that was not to be.

As the pandemic continues it looks likely that this isn't going to go away in a couple of weeks but that our lives for the next 6 months will be dictated to by a Government trying to keep us all safe.

We will listen.

We will adapt to a new way of living.

We will change how we communicate.

We will have patience.

And when this is all over, we will have learnt so much about ourselves and the world.

From April 2020, all new projects will have 5% of their fee donated to the Rainforest Alliance. We have one chance to look after the planet that we inhabit.

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