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Blog: Blog2
  • Writer's pictureCathy - Top Dog

What we do for you …..

Hello Off the Wallers, Lola here (*Woof*) to help you understand exactly what you need to do if you are thinking of extending your property. Fortunately, my little Dog's House doesn’t need planning approval but most houses do (probably)…

There are many reasons homeowners decide to ‘make do and mend’ rather than move – you get to keep that great view, your lovely neighbours, and you won’t have to pack (much). Plus it can add value to your property by creating extra room, kerb appeal to make it more saleable in future and improve the way in which you enjoy the space. Win win all around…

Stage one - Getting started

First thing you will need is a Survey – this isn’t a condition or structural survey, but a detailed drawing of the existing site, your property, where considerations such as services (like gas, electric and manholes) are. Cathy always meets with the client on site to discuss ideas before they are drawn up. This will include some 3D images as well as a floor plan which we will use as a basis to tweak and hone until you are happy with it.

Changing your property structurally – adding space or changing the aspects - will normally require permission from the local authority. In some instances, you may be able to extend under what is known as ‘Permitted Development’ up to a certain size. Cathy can advise you on the current regulations for this as they change from time to time. However, a full planning application is usually recommended to get a proposal designed to its full potential.

Stage two – Getting your planning face on

Once you are happy with your proposal, a formal Planning Application will be made to the Local Authority Planning Department to check your proposal complies with local policies. The Planning department will take into account Neighbours concerns, safety issues from the Highways Department, the environmental impact along with comments from the local Parish Council. This process normally takes 8 weeks but can be longer if anything comes up and needs resolving.

Stage three – The technical bit

Once Planning Approval (or a Lawful Development Certificate for Permitted Developments) has been issued, the Building Regulations Package will need completing. This is where Cathy takes the outline proposals submitted and upgrades them with details like exact dimensions, materials and products. This will ensure work undertaken and the design complies to current Building Regulations and meets safety requirements. This drawing package also slices through the building to provide a snapshot specification of each floor and elevation. A structural engineer can also be engaged at this stage to specifically design any structural elements. Once complete and submitted to your Local Authority’s Building Control, a start on the site can be made five days later.

Stage four – The builder bit

Finding a builder and going through a tendering process means it’s all getting a bit real! The package above is normally enough information for a builder to give you a quote and Cathy would normally recommend contacting three builders and allowing 4 – 8 weeks to give you a price - ask your builders for a Schedule of Work (a detailed breakdown of each element) to help you compare and budget. Like gravy bones, finding a good builder can be hard work… price is a big factor, but you should always trust your instinct on this. Go with friends and family recommendations, always meet them face to face and always ask for references and if possible, see previous work (and make a point of speaking to those clients). Once you are happy, agree a start date.

Stage five – The building bit!

This is where your proposal will come to life. The Building Inspector will come and check on the job at certain stages of the build and it is up to your builder to notify them and liaise. Always ensure you have a contract with your builder (this can be a JCT Building Contract which you can download online) which will lay out how your build will be managed and timescales.

If you have any questions about the planning process or how Off the Wall can help, give us a ‘woof’!

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